Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Edit: 07.25.08. Here's a high quality version from vimeo! BAC Blaster

Late but grea
t, here is the video of ColinYo and me, Pancakes at the 08, Bay Area Classic.
It seems less traumatic now. Best soundtrack ever, so let it load! The music is timed perfectly and you dont want to miss out on the fun.


Mofopotomus said...

Far be it for me to question your music choices but I still disagree with that last song. It keeps getting stuck in my head kind of like "It's a Small World" does. I fear it is eroding my very soul.

ScottG said...

That video rocked. I started it at work, and by the end I had a crowd standing around me watching it. Very cool!

PDXyoyo said...

the music and timing continue to rock my world.