Friday, July 25, 2008

Tuesday Weekly Meetings

Well, last week we had our second weekly meeting by the Abe Lincoln Statue near the Portland Art Museum. For the time being, this will be our meeting spot. 5:30 pm is the time. See you all there soon.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bust a nut capture!!!

colin is the man! he gave me this chopped project and its far and away my favorite yoyo ever!
its got to be an 8th of an inch thinner than a mark mont.  it plays fast and light.  i love this tiny bastard!

the magnum project always seemed cool but i never understood the true majesty of it till i HEARD the trick in person! check it out:

here is my new Markmontmegamix of the BAC vid. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Edit: 07.25.08. Here's a high quality version from vimeo! BAC Blaster

Late but grea
t, here is the video of ColinYo and me, Pancakes at the 08, Bay Area Classic.
It seems less traumatic now. Best soundtrack ever, so let it load! The music is timed perfectly and you dont want to miss out on the fun.